On this page we’ll list the most useful resources for twin flames that we’ve found from around the web. This list is constantly updated so make sure to bookmark it and check it about once or twice a month as you go on your twin flame journey!
Attracting And Reuniting With Your Twin Flame
- Free VIDEO TRAINING on reuniting FASTER: A free video showing you how to reunite with your twin flame faster, step into your spiritual purpose more, and raise your vibrations
Our Recommendation: Keen Psychics
We use and recommend Keen psychics, specifically the one mentioned in the video below. Basically, we have used and still use Keen to get twin flame guidance, they have people available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so no matter what time you need guidance, it’s there. Keen is a sponsor of Twin Flame Guides, we may receive a small compensation from any purchases made through our link. Thanks for supporting us.
We were actually amazed at how accurate one specific psychic was and Julia mentions exactly how it works, and what happened in the video below. If you’ve been sent here because you:
- Need guidance on your twin flame journey
- Want to use or find the psychic/s we personally use
- Want a twin flame coach or psychic
- Want one to one coaching, guidance etc
You need to watch the video below. Or click here to get your first 10 minutes for just $1.99! (special offer, get instant answers/call now!)
Interesting Tools And Resources
- FREE Numerology report: Numbers are very important and can tell you a lot about yourself and your twin flame. Get a free report for your specific date of birth and name!
We found a very unique and interesting ‘moon reading’, that turns out to be far more accurate than most astrology, numerology or tarot readings, specifically for twin flames. It was accurate for us, watch the video below to learn more.
Make sure to subscribe to our channel, and to GET your free moon reading, click here. We found it very accurate and relevant to us as twin flames. If you want to learn more click the link or watch the video
Useful Vibration Raising Tools
- Mind Lab Pro: A nootropic that helps you get into flow state and access more of your brainpower. Very useful for raising your vibrations and getting things done which will then attract your twin flame into your life
- Binaural Beats: Special soundwaves that you can listen to to GUIDE your brainwaves into a certain frequency. Very useful for meditating and focusing (depending on which package you’re listening to)
Articles And Guides
- What are twin flames? Our blog post explains exactly what twin flames are and how the whole thing works. This is a very good post to read if you’re just starting out on this journey
- Twin flame signs: A list of the top and most common signs you’re either about to meet your twin flame or you’ve already met them
- Twin flame stages: The real stages of the twin flame journey, so you’ll know what to expect. There’s also a really useful video on the page explaining it in great detail
- How to find your twin flame: Guide to finding your twin flame, if you’ve never MET them before
- How to get our twin flame BACK: A guide for getting your twin flame back if you’ve already met, and they’ve left or are running
Our other social media links
- Facebook group: a private Facebook group connecting you with other people who are also hoping to achieve twin flame reunion. Here you can ask us questions and interact with us and other members.
- Youtube Channel: Our channel where we post twice a week including a video answering your questions. Make sure to subscribe!
- Pinterest account: We share and collect inspirational and positive images here relating to the twin flame journey.
- Instagram: We post daily quotes, videos, and pictures to help you on your journey, and give you advice about how it will feel
- Podcast: Just search iTunes, google, Spotify or other platforms you listen to podcasts for ‘twin flame guides’