Do you want to attract your twin flame into your life?

Are you tired of feeling empty and disconnected in your relationships?

Do you want to find a rare soul connection but you have no idea how to bring it to your reality?

The good news is, it’s not that hard. All you have to do is to incorporate small habits into your life.

Once you slowly incorporate these habits, you will be surprised that you suddenly meet your twin flame.

Do you want to know what these habits are?

In this post you will learn:

  • How to attract your twin flame
  • What raising your frequency means
  • How to raise your frequency with 9 biohacks

Let’s dive in!

How to attract your twin flame

How To Attract Your Twin Flame

You’re not the only one trying to attract your twin flame, a lot of people are. 

It is exciting to know that someone out there who has a deep connection to your soul exists.

But not everyone has a twin flame and not everyone who does meets theirs. 

How Do I Attract My Twin Flame?

conscious reminder

To attract your twin flame, you have to raise your frequency so that you become like a magnet.

There are so many people who never meet their twin flames because their energies are blocked.

They absorb the negative energy surrounding them instead of focusing on clearing these.

It is quite hard to change your frequency when you’ve been so used to the negativity.

But this is the best way to attract your twin flame.

Twin Flame Meaning

A Twin Flame is your soul’s other half; When you’ve had your 5D ascension, your soul gained the ability to split into two.

So when you reincarnate into the earth, you can assist each other in fulfilling your purpose.

Some people aren’t ascended high enough, that’s why not everyone has a twin flame. At least not yet.

Your twin flame is like a mirror. They reflect back to you parts of yourselves.

Twin flames are different from karmic love relationships which trigger negative feelings and don’t last long in your life.

twin flame love

Twin flames are meant to stay, helping us heal, grow, and get to know ourselves better in the process.

If you wanna know more, you can check out this article about what twin flames are.

What Does Raising Your Frequency Mean?

The practice of raising your frequency is based on physics.

Einstein taught us that everything is energy.

And because everything is made of energy, everything has a different vibrational frequency.

For us, our feelings determine our energies.

twin flames 1111

Negative feelings such as anger, sadness, and guilt are low vibrational frequencies.

Positive feelings such as peace, love, and enlightenment are high vibrational frequencies.

So, raising your frequency means that you change how you feel into more positive ones. 

What Is Frequency Biohacking?

Biohacking is the idea of improving what you do daily to improve your mind, body, and the way your life works.

ascension energies

It can be anything from advanced sleep tracking to supplements, to having a specific morning routine.

Anything that makes your life more efficient, more effective, and run smoother.

These biohacks are specifically designed to raise your frequency. It also makes your body healthier, your mind clearer, and gives you more energy.

So it’s not just about attracting your twin flame but also about improving your life overall.

Biohacks To Raise Your Frequency

forever conscious

1.  Meditation

Meditation is important as it has a huge number of benefits to your brain.

It lengthens the telomere which helps you live longer, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, reduces stress, and raises your vibration.

It helps you separate yourself from your frontal cortex activity and get more in touch with your true self-consciousness.

That’s your higher self, including your twin flame, which is part of you. 

It’s a really good tool for anything that you want to accomplish.


I would suggest just meditating in the morning, ideally when you’ve just woken up for about 20 minutes.

Preferably, you do this on an empty stomach. Just have a glass of water and then do a 20-minutes meditation. 

That’s all you need but I think this is the most important hack.

Don’t worry if you start with 10 minutes. Some people meditate for an hour a day, I only do 20 minutes. Just do it for whatever length of time you’re comfortable.

2. Good Sleep

girl sleeping

The second way to raise your frequency is to have a good sleep every night.

Sleep at least eight hours in a dark room. The darker and the cooler, the better.

You also want it to be really quiet so you’d be uninterrupted.

Another common thing that interrupts people’s sleep is getting up to go to the toilet.

So try not to drink water two hours before going to bed use the toilet before you doze off.

girl using phone

Also, try to not eat within two hours of sleeping and no blue light from your gadgets.

Blue light in the evenings causes your body to produce serotonin and not produce melatonin, which means you’re going to stay awake.

It’s going to be harder to fall asleep and when you do, it won’t be a very deep sleep because of the lack of melatonin.

It won’t be very restorative and you’d likely wake up still feeling tired.

If you still want to use your gadgets at night, you can get blue light blocking glasses that filter out the blue light, or an app or software you can download that does the same thing.

3. Diet

fruits and vegetables

If you want to raise your frequency, you need to eat high vibrational foods.

Fruits and vegetables, preferably raw, have a very high vibration.

I’m not going to start a huge debate here. I would suggest that you try to eat more plant-based or vegan meals.

Before you roll your eyes and say “I need to have meat! or “I need to have cheese!”

Sure, you do you. I’m just suggesting that you incorporate more plant-based meals even if you start with having them only once every week.


The closest you can get to plant-based, the better. 

I don’t want to start an argument here but do your research, try it, and see how you feel.

In my experience, and the experience of many, I feel my vibrations raise and I have more energy with plant-based fuels.

How can you attract your twin flame if the foods you eat every day are putting you in a lower vibrational frequency?

Just try to eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water.

The more you consume high vibrational foods, and less low ones such as meats and junk food, the better you will feel.

4. Technology Restrictions


Just like what I said in the sleep hack, If you have a phone, make sure you have it on night mode in the evenings.

Monitor how much time you spend on each app and try to limit your usage to two hours a day or less.

Some people are spending six hours on their phones scrolling through mindlessly and consuming content.

They are getting a constant release of dopamine, which lowers their vibrations over time.

They’re being desensitized to dopamine and they get negative feelings from comparing their lives to other people’s highlight reels.

airplane mode

There is also radiation coming from electric appliances, especially from your phone.

Those radiations pierce through your brain and it does negatively affect your health and frequency. 

So use a headset or speaker mode instead of holding your phone next to your ear.

When you’re sleeping with your phone, put it on flight mode or turn it off.

If you can turn off everything electric that you don’t need while you’re sleeping, please do so.

If you share a house with someone it might be hard to just turn the wifi off. But do turn off those that you can plug off without triggering someone else.

5. Supplements


I want to start this by saying that before you take any supplement, get the foundations of your health in place first.

After that, you can start thinking about taking something like a multivitamin.

Aside from multivitamins, I also suggest adding Nootropics.

Nootropics are basically smart drugs. They make your brain function faster and better.

They make it easier to get into the flow state, which is the state you want to be in if you’re doing creative work such as writing, artwork, and music.

flow state

The flow state is the state where everything flows and you forget about the time.

Trust me, being in a flow state has one of the highest vibrations to help you attract your twin flame.

The best nootropic I’ve personally tried is Mind Lab Pro. It’s a very effective nootropic that doesn’t contain caffeine.

Caffeine overstimulates the dopamine system and it causes you to down-regulate over time and it gets less effective.

6. Positive Energy

twin flame friendship

Stay away from energy vampires. Energy vampires are the people with whom you feel drained after spending time.

It’s so important to be with people that uplift you, and that makes you feel energized while you’re with them.

“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”

Many people only stick with their friends because they’ve known them for years.

You need to realize as well that you can choose your circles. You could decide to make different friends if the ones you currently have doesn’t make you feel good.

paranoid guy

Also, avoid horror films and anything with negative messages and ideas.

You don’t realize it but they’re really bad for your vibration because the negative energy from the content becomes part of your energy field.

Do you know that feeling of paranoia after watching a horror film? You have trouble sleeping and now and then you’re like “oh, what was that sound?” 

It’s almost impossible to attract your twin flame when you’re in a negative frequency.

Surround yourself with positive people and positive messages.

If you get negative thoughts, try to see the positive in them. Here’s where gratitude comes in which leads us to the next point. 

7. A Solid Morning Routine

morning routine

“Start every morning as if it was on purpose.” – Will Smith

Have a solid morning routine that will set you up for the day and will make you feel good.

I recommend structuring it around actions that put you in a good vibration such as meditation, affirmations, visualizing the goals that you want to achieve, and drinking a glass of water.

Drinking water first thing in the morning is so important because you’ll be dehydrated when you wake up.

One of the best parts of my morning is journaling and doing some light exercises.

Starting your day on a positive note can make you feel motivated to focus on your dreams and goals.

It also helps keep your vibrations high throughout the day, putting you in an energy field where it’s easier to attract your twin flame.

8. Pineal Gland Decalcification

decalcifying pineal gland

So as you know, we have the pineal gland or the third eye in spiritual terms.

For most people, this is blocked because of the fluoride contained in toothpaste and water.

For many years, advertisements led us to believe that fluoride is needed to prevent tooth decay but that is a myth.

The pineal gland is the size of a grain of rice. But relative to its mass, it has the biggest blood flow of any organ in the body.

Anything you consume, you can be sure that it’s going to flow directly through the pineal gland at some point.

water filter

Anything like sugar, coffee, and alcohol is going to have a bad impact on the pineal gland.

There are things you can do to decalcify and open up your third eye and that includes switching to fluoride-free toothpaste and using filters on the taps. 

They are quite expensive, but in my opinion, it’s worth it.

You can also get jugs with filters and take supplements like goji berries and iodine.

Iodine is also very effective at removing the fluoride from your pineal gland and breaking up those phosphate crystals that form around it.

Our pineal glands make us more sensitive to the signs of the universe so decalcifying it can help you attract your twin flame faster.

Speaking of signs, here’s a free numerology report to help you reveal the hidden messages of the universe for you.


twin flame separation

What Is Twin Flame Separation?

Twin Flame separation happens when one or both twins will feel so challenged and/or scared of the intensity of the relationship that they’ll run away.

This is a fairly common stage that twin flames have to move through before reuniting. You can read more about the twin flame stages here.

Here’s a free training video you can watch if you want to know how to speed up your twin flame reunion.

Twin Flame VS Soulmate, What’s The Difference?

A soulmate could be several people and it doesn’t have to be a love interest but a twin flame is only one person and they’re literally a part of you.

A soulmate relationship is great and all but if you have a big purpose, it’s necessary to attract your twin flame.

twin flame reunion

How To Recognize Your Twin Flame?

When you’ve found your twin flame, your heart will know and you will feel like you’ve known them your whole life.

But sometimes, people find their false twin flame. So, before you get a twin flame tattoo, read first about the signs you already met your twin flame.

How To Attract Your Twin Flame?

That’s all the biohacks to attract your twin flame. When you raise your frequency, you attract your twin flame faster.

Some of the fail-proof ways to do this are by meditating, having a good sleep and diet, and surrounding yourself with positivity.

Also, taking supplements, limiting technology use, having a morning routine, and decalcifying your pineal gland.

We have many more biohacks, which we’ll release in the future but it’s good to start with this list first.

Which of these biohacks are you gonna use to attract your twin flame? And which ones do you think we’ve missed? 

Let me know in the comments!